Paul Rawlings
Machine Guarding Specialist

Career Profile
Paul is a machine safety expert who has assessed 1000’s of machines against Australian Standard AS4024. Paul has worked internationally on safety projects in countries such as Japan, Germany, New Zealand, Vietnam, Thailand, China and Indonesia. He has also had the opportunity to speak at various industry safety conferences and WorkSafe Victoria seminars in the past.
A key focus area of Paul’s is preventing workplace injuries, among his many credits was being the first person in Australia to be recognised by TUV Nord as a Certified Machinery Safety Expert and playing the lead role in launching the MachineSAFE Advanced, Robot Safety and Certified Machinery Safety Expert Courses in Australia and New Zealand.
Paul has worked in several engineering and management roles for various automotive component manufacturers, GM Holden and Pilz. In last 9 years he has had the opportunities to diversify across many industries including food & beverage, mining, logistics, construction, metals and plastics processing, packaging, machinery and equipment suppliers among others.
Paul has delivered projects and training courses to many well-known clients including Coca Cola Amatil, Pepsico, Lion Co., TetraPak, GEA, Fonterra, Murray Goulburn, Alcoa, Orora, Visy, Kimberly Clark, JBS, Rheem, Mars, Schweppes, Unilever, Goodman Fielder, George Weston Foods, Pernod Ricard, Sanitarium, Brickworks, James Hardie, Mondelez, Parmalat, Australian Synchrotron, HJ Heinz, Robert Bosch, VIP Packaging, Thales Group, Austral Masonry, Joy Mining, Rio Tinto, Boral, Simsmetal and Sandvik.
Paul has extensive industry experience in Health, Safety & Environment, Manufacturing and Engineering and regularly provides clients with valuable advice on how to improve the safety performance in their organisations.
Specific areas of expertise include:
- Risk Assessments — Plant/Machinery, Manual Handling, JSAs, SWMS
- Safety training
- Validation of Safety Control Systems
- Lock Out Tag Out/ Isolation of machinery
- Traffic Management
- CE marking of machinery
- OHSMS Management System implementation and auditing e.g AS 4801,
- OSHAS 18001, NAT
Paul’s qualifications include:
- CMSE® Certified Machinery Safety Expert
- Trainer (TUV Nord), HSE Lead Auditor
- Eng (hons)
- Dip. OHS Mgt. Systems
- Dip. Ops. Mgt
- Cert IV Training and Assessment