Workplace health and safety should be a familiar term in all workplaces, but you may be wondering, “What is WHS and OHS?”. Both acronyms are used to describe all manner of things related to physical safety and mental health in the workplace.

Whether you’re an employer or an employee, workplace health and safety should be among your highest priorities. We understand that it can be difficult to keep on top of changes in WHS legislation, which is why Your Safety Partners is here for you and your business. As expert consultants in workplace health and safety, we’re here for businesses and their employees to help navigate OHS legislation.


Defining WHS/OHS 

What are OHS and WHS? While the two acronyms stand for similar things, there are key differences between OHS and WHS.  

What does OHS Stand For?

Occupational health and safety is, according to Health Safety Environment Australia, “the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control and confirmation of protection from hazards at work that may result in injury, illness or affect the wellbeing of workers.

There are a few key components of both WHS and OHS.

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)

  • Identifying and assessing workplace hazards.
  • Provide training on managing risks to worker safety.
  • Preparing for workplace emergencies.
  • Providing a safe workplace for employees following national guidelines set by Safe Work Australia.
  • Enacting control measures in case of emergencies or workplace injuries.
  • Familiarising employees with WHS legislation.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

  • Planning for emergencies or workplace injuries/accidents.
  • Timely reporting of workplace injuries to management and relevant local and national authorities.
  • Training on what areas of the workplace may be less safe than others.
  • Staying updated on changes in WHS policy.


The Importance of WHS/OHS

Workplace and occupational health and safety are some of the most important pieces of employment legislation written in the last century. They provide several benefits for both employees and employers, which we’ll go over below.

Benefits of WHS/OHS for Employees

  • Promoting a healthier working environment.
  • Reduction of injuries and accidents from lapses in worker safety protocols.
  • Enhancing employee mental health and wellbeing by providing a pathway for registering safety concerns without fear of retribution.
  • Reducing employee stress and increasing productivity.

Benefits of WHS/OHS for Employers

  • Savings in employee costs for paid time off due to injury, workers’ compensation claims and insurance provisions for employee medical treatments due to on-the-job injuries.
  • Reduction in possible financial losses due to lawsuits.
  • Reduction in possible criminal charges due to lawsuits.
  • Creating accountability for both employers and employees alike.

In general, OHS/WHS policies and legislation have created a safer working environment, generated mutual trust between employees and employers and provided greater societal awareness of what constitutes safe working conditions.

Key Legislation and Standards

The key piece of WHS legislation in Australia that covers both occupational health and safety and workplace health and safety is the Work Health and Safety Act (2011). WHS policy is determined by the Federal Government of Australia in consultation with Safe Work Australia. Safe Work Australia also provides businesses and industries with consultation on workplace safety and to help improve employer/employee relations regarding workplace safety and workers’ compensation claims.

A general standard of workplace safety across Australia is that employers are to take all steps to ensure that a “reasonably practicable” standard of safety is met. This includes risk assessment and management, harm reduction and employee risk education. Employers are also required to maintain knowledge and practice of the latest health and safety guidelines at all times.

Safeguard Your Business 

If you’re unsure of how certain health and safety regulations might affect your business or are a new business looking to implement health and safety regulations for the first time, Your Safety Partners are here for you. 

We provide a knowledgeable, friendly service to keep businesses’ health and safety practices up-to-date and keep their employees safe. We assist businesses great and small in implementing effective WHS/OHS programs across Victoria, in conjunction with the WHS authority in Victoria: WorkSafe Victoria. 

Contact Your Safety Partners today to set up your consultation and help make your workplace a safer, more productive and enjoyable for all employees.

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